In July 2017, my book Rhythm in Acting and Performance, was published by Bloomsbury, Methuen Drama. This text examines the ways rhythm has and is being used by performers, directors and trainers in the contexts of acting, theatre and performance, including historical studies, contemporary examples and interviews. Orders can be made through the Bloomsbury website, https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/rhythm-in-acting-and-performance-9781472589866/, and short sample and more details can be found by clicking the link below.
In March 2021 I curated a conference around the themes of my book, held in Athens and online. You can find details of the call for this event here.
More recently a chapter of mine was included in the Argentinian publication Ritmicidades: Cuerpos en jira. [2015-2019], a compilation of texts from the annual conference on rhythm in the arts held in Buenos Aires, which I presented at in 2017.
- Chapter – ‘Buscando respuestas en mi cuerpo [Searching my body for answers]’ in Ritmicidades: Cuerpos en jira. [2015-2019], A. C. Fonseca (Editor), Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
- Book – Rhythm in Acting and Performance: Embodied Approaches and Understandings. London: Bloomsbury, 2017
- Article – ‘The Ins and Outs of Tempo-rhythm‘ in Stanislavski Studies, Issue 4, 2014, p. 146
- Chapter – ‘Collaborating in Time: The Formation of Ensemble Through Rhythm’ in Encountering Ensemble (Ed.) John Britton. London: Bloomsbury, 2013.
- Article – ‘Looking for the Empty Spaces – The Ensemble Theatre Practices of John Britton‘. in Total Theatre Magazine, April 2009.
- Via Rhythmós. Unpublished PhD Thesis. The University of Huddersfield. Completed March 2013
- “Dropping the ball: reframing failure in performance training” presented at International Platform for Performer Training, Graz, Austria, 2025.
- “Between inside and outside – tempo and rhythm” [keynote] Rhythm in acting and performance conference, Athens and Online, 2021.
- Keynote presentation and Workshop at Rhythm and Resonance in Acting Practice Conference, CISPA, Copenhagen 2019.
- ‘Tuning: Preparing to Perform Gaudete with OBRA Theatre Co’ presented to the Performer Training Working Group at TaPRA 2017, Salford University and published online via the Theatre, Dance and Performance Training Blog, September 2017
- ‘Finding Play: The Rhythms of Play in Actor Training and Performance’ at the 3rd International Conference of Dalcroze Studies, Universite Laval, Quebec City, August 2017
- ‘Rhythm and the Ecstatic Performer’ @ Rhythm as Pattern and Variation : Political, Social and Artistic Inflections – Goldsmiths University London 23 March 2016
- ‘Rhythm in Improvisation Based Actor Training’ @ Theatre Seminars Series, Glasgow University 25 February 2016.
- ‘The Rhythmic Actor: (en)training through proto-musical technologies’ @ European Theatre Research Network Spring Research Season, University of Kent, January 2013.
- ‘Dancing Fractal Time‘. In: Encountering Synchronous Time @ Performance Studies international Cluster, Athens, November 2011.
- ‘Evolving Relationships: Rhythms of an Ensemble’, @ Encountering Ensemble Symposium, University of Huddersfield, September 2010.
- ‘Sources of Rhythm: An Anthropocosmic Enquiry‘, @ Grotowski: After – Alongside – Around – Ahead, symposium, University of Kent, June 2009.
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