Tuning: Preparing to Perform with OBRA Theatre Co.

Theatre, Dance and Performance Training Blog

This is a blog post I wrote for the Theatre, Dance and Performance Training Blog describing some of my work with OBRA Theatre Co and the process of ‘tuning’  before our performances of Gaudete

Each night, prior to performing Gaudete with OBRA Theatre Companymy last task before vacating the stage was to tune my dulcimer. I needed to be sure that the wires had not loosened or tightened, that the strings would ring true in relation to each other when I came to play them in the performance. In much the same way, the last thing we did as an ensemble was to ‘tune’ ourselves; to the space, to each other, to arrive in that particular moment and place, to rediscover a shared quality of being together…


Source: Tuning: Preparing to Perform Gaudete with OBRA Theatre Co. | Theatre, Dance and Performance Training Blog

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